VM-VSRM VMware Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.6]
This two-day, hands-on training course gives experienced VMware vSphere® administrators the knowledge to install, configure, and manage VMware Site Recovery Manager™ 8.6. This course also shows you how to write and test disaster recovery plans that use Site Recovery Manager.
1.773,10 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 2 Tage
- Schulung im Trainingscenter
- Verpflegung
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
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- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat

Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
- ummarize the components of Site Recovery Manager architecture
- Deploy and configure the Site Recovery Manager appliance
- Describe the principal disaster recovery topologies that are used with Site Recovery Manager
- Configure inventory and resource mappings
- Describe the storage replication options that are used with Site Recovery Manager
- Configure Site Recovery Manager to leverage array-based replication
- Describe VMware vSphere® Replication™ functionality
- Describe the vSphere Replication architecture
- Deploy and configure vSphere Replication for use with Site Recovery Manager
- Build Site Recovery Manager array-based protection groups, protection groups based on vSphere Replication, and Virtual Volumes protection groups.
- Build, edit, execute, test, and remove a recovery plan
- Perform a planned migration
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
- ummarize the components of Site Recovery Manager architecture
- Deploy and configure the Site Recovery Manager appliance
- Describe the principal disaster recovery topologies that are used with Site Recovery Manager
- Configure inventory and resource mappings
- Describe the storage replication options that are used with Site Recovery Manager
- Configure Site Recovery Manager to leverage array-based replication
- Describe VMware vSphere® Replication™ functionality
- Describe the vSphere Replication architecture
- Deploy and configure vSphere Replication for use with Site Recovery Manager
- Build Site Recovery Manager array-based protection groups, protection groups based on vSphere Replication, and Virtual Volumes protection groups.
- Build, edit, execute, test, and remove a recovery plan
- Perform a planned migration
vSphere administrators, architects, system engineers, and systems integrators who are responsible for the deployment or management of Site Recovery Manager
Before taking this course, you should have completed one of the following course(s):
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8] (VSICM8)
VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V8] (VSFT8)
VMware vSphere: What's New [V8] (VSWN8)
VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting [V8] (VSTS8)
Or equivalent knowledge and administration experience with VMware ESXi™ and VMware vCenter Server™. -
Datum Ort Status Aktionspreis Buchen Angebot 19.05. – 20.05.2025 Frankfurt 19.05. – 20.05.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE 29.09. – 30.09.2025 München 29.09. – 30.09.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE -
VMware ebook Englisch
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