DEVOPS: Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms
5.706,05 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 5 Tage
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Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
- Introducing the DevOps Model
- Introducing Containers
- Packaging an Application Using Docker
- Deploying a Multitier Application
- Introducing CI/CD
- Building the DevOps Flow
- Validating the Application Build Process
- Building an Improved Deployment Flow
- Extending DevOps Practices to the Entire Infrastructure
- Implementing On-Demand Test Environments at the Infrastructure Level
- Monitoring in NetDevOps
- Engineering for Visibility and Stability
- Securing DevOps Workflows
- Exploring Multicloud Strategies
- Examining Application and Deployment Architectures
- Describing Kubernetes
- Integrating Multiple Data Center Deployments with Kubernetes
- Monitoring and Logging in Kubernetes
- Describe the DevOps philosophy and practices, and how they apply to real-life challenges
- Explain container-based architectures and available tooling provided by Docker
- Describe application packaging into containers and start building secure container images
- Utilize container networking and deploy a three-tier network application
- Explain the concepts of configuration item (CI) pipelines and what tooling is available
- Implement a basic pipeline with Gitlab CI that builds and deploys applications
- Implement automated build testing and validation
- Describe DevOps principles applied to infrastructure
- Implement on-demand test environments and explain how to integrate them with an existing pipeline
- Implement tooling for metric and log collection, analysis, and alerting
- Describe the benefits of application health monitoring, telemetry, and chaos engineering in the context of improving the stability and reliability of the ecosystem
- Describe how to implement secure DevOps workflows by safely handling sensitive data and validating applications
- Explain design and operational concepts related to using a mix of public and private cloud deployments
- Describe modern application design and microservices architectures
- Describe the building blocks of Kubernetes and how to use its APIs to deploy an application
- Explain advanced Kubernetes deployment patterns and implement an automated pipeline
- Explain how monitoring, logging, and visibility concepts apply to Kubernetes
- Account manager
- Consulting systems engineer
- Network administrator
- Network engineer
- Network manager
- Sales engineer
- Systems engineer
- Technical solutions architect
- Wireless design engineer
- Wireless engineer
- Grundlegende Programmiersprachenkonzepte und Vertrautheit mit Python
- Grundlegendes Verständnis der Computevirtualisierung
- Möglichkeit zur Verwendung von Linux-, textgesteuerten Schnittstellen und CLI-Tools wie Secure Shell (SSH), bash, grep, ip, vim/nano, curl, ping, traceroute und telnet
- Grundlegendes Verständnis der Linux-basierten Betriebssystemarchitektur und Systemdienstprogramme
- CCNA®-Level-Kernnetzwerkwissen
- Grundlegendes Verständnis von DevOps-Konzepten
- Bekanntheit und Vertrautheit mit kontinuierlichen Integrations-, Continuous-Deployment- und Continuous Delivery CI/CD-Konzepten
- Praktische Erfahrung mit Git
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300-910 Examen
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