AR-CPAC - Aruba Networking ClearPass Advanced Configuration
This course prepares participants with foundational skills in network access control using the ClearPass product portfolio. This course includes both instructional modules and labs to teach participants about the major features of the ClearPass portfolio. Participants learn how to set up ClearPass as an AAA server, and configure the Policy Manager, Guest, OnGuard and Onboard feature sets. In addition, this course covers integration with external Active Directory servers and monitoring and reporting, as well as deployment best practices. The student gains insight into authentication configuration with ClearPass on both wired and wireless networks.
ARUBA Kurse führen wir mit unserem zertifizierten Partner der Fast Lane GmbH durch.
4.629,10 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 5 Tage
- Schulung im Trainingscenter
- Verpflegung
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
- Technischer Support
- Online Zugang
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
This advanced course uses a real-world case study on which participants will learn how to design, deploy and troubleshoot several aspects of the ClearPass security product. This 5-day training is focused on active student participation, design exercises, introduction of new features and hands-on labs.
The lectures introduce different customer requirements and explain the fundamentals under the technologies required to fulfill them, while the lab guide displays the entire process from planning all the way up to implementation, testing and troubleshooting if required. Through this process the candidates will acquire skill sets that prepare them to face any challenging scenario.
- Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Kurses sollten die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein:
- Network security experts
- Individuals who implement network access control solutions
- Network managers with Aruba access device experience (wired and wireless).
- Network administrators who already own a ClearPass solution and are looking to deploy advanced features
Typical candidates for this training include:
Network Security Experts
Individuals who implement network access control solutions.
Network managers with Aruba access device experience (wired & wireless).
Network administrators who already own a ClearPass solution and are looking to deploy advanced features.
- Any current Aruba ClearPass certification.
- Kurs: Configuration HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass (CPC)
- Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Kurses sollten die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein:
Datum Ort Status Aktionspreis Buchen Angebot 23.06. – 27.06.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE 22.09. – 26.09.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE 08.12. – 12.12.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE -
Aruba ebook englisch
Firmen- oder Inhouseschulungen finden ausschließlich mit Teilnehmern Ihrer Firma
in unseren oder Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder als Online LIVE Schulung statt.
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- Maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Ziele
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- Schulungsort: Ob bei Ihnen vor Ort, in unseren Trainingsräumen oder als Online LIVE Training – Sie entscheiden
- Firmenschulungen sind oft kostengünstiger, vor allem bei einer größeren Anzahl von Mitarbeitern
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