AN62G: PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Advanced Configurations

This course is designed to teach experienced PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX professionals the latest features in PowerHA SystemMirror. It covers how to:

  • Effectively administer and monitor an IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX cluster
  • Implement PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX’s more complex options

Listenpreis 4.000,00 € exkl. MwSt.
4.760,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 5 Tage
Leistungen Präsenz
  • Schulung im Trainingscenter
  • Verpflegung
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Leistungen bei VCL Training
  • Technischer Support
  • Online Zugang
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin der CBT

Gabriela Bücherl


Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16

  • Inhalte
    • Day 1
      • Welcome
      • Unit 1: PowerHA review with the advanced topology and CSPOC
      • Exercise 1: Lab setup, cluster review, topology, and CSPOC administration
    • Day 2
      • Unit 2: Adding applications
      • Exercise 2: Adding additional applications
    • Day 3
      • Unit 3: Advanced administration: Resources and resource groups
      • Exercise 3: Application monitors and resource group dependencies
    • Day 4
      • Unit 4: Determining cluster status using the command line interface
      • Exercise 4: Determining cluster status using command line Unit 5: Advanced administration: Event configuration Exercise 5: PowerHA for AIX event configuration
    • Day 5
      • Unit 6: Advanced administration: DLPAR and WPAR implementation
      • Exercise 6: Implementing DLPAR and WPAR
      • Unit 7: Using the PowerHA SystemMirror plug-in for IBM Systems Director (optional)
      • Open lab time

    The objectives of this class are to review PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX fundamental concepts, components, and new features. Students will gain advanced information that will be vital when building and administering complex HA configurations.

    On completion of this course, students should be able to:
    Review fundamental PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX concepts and components
    Use the more complex configuration options: Create four node clusters with two independent resource groups
    Create and test robust application start and stop scripts
    Create and test custom application monitors
    Create resource group dependencies
    Customize event notifications
    Integrate WPAR and DLPAR with applications under PowerHA control

    • Determine the status of the cluster and cluster components using PowerHA/SNMP commands and the IBM Systems
    • Director plug-in
    • Integrate applications using Smart Assists into PowerHA
    • SystemMirror for AIX: Using the DB2 Smart Assist

    This course is designed for experienced AIX system administrators and support personnel who will be responsible for the administration, maintenance, and implementation of PowerHA SystemMirror clusters on IBM Power p systems running AIX. This audience will includes:

    • Students who want to learn to work with the PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 for AIX
    • Students who want to learn about how to implement PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX in complex configurations
    • Technical leaders responsible for designing PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX clustering solutions

    You should have experience with installing and performing standard PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX configuration functions, which can be obtained through the following course (or equivalent experience):
    AN61G:PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX System Administration I: Planning and Implementation
  • Original IBM ebook, Englisch
  • Firmen- oder Inhouseschulungen finden ausschließlich mit Teilnehmern Ihrer Firma
    in unseren oder Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder als Online LIVE Schulung statt.

    Überblick zu den Vorteilen unserer individuellen Firmen- und Inhouseschulungen:

    • Individuelle Zusammenstellung der Themen, gemäß Ihren Anforderungen
    • Maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Ziele
    • Termin und Zeitraum der Firmenschulung bestimmen Sie
    • Schulungsort: Ob bei Ihnen vor Ort, in unseren Trainingsräumen oder als Online LIVE Training – Sie entscheiden
    • Firmenschulungen sind oft kostengünstiger, vor allem bei einer größeren Anzahl von Mitarbeitern
    • Rundum-Service in unseren Räumen, damit sich Ihre Mitarbeiter voll auf den Kurs konzentrieren können

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CBT Training & Consulting GmbH
Elektrastr. 6a, D-81925 München

+49 (0)89 4576918-40


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