AN51G: Power Systems for AIX IV: Performance Management

Listenpreis 4.000,00 € exkl. MwSt.
4.760,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 5 Tage
Leistungen Präsenz
  • Schulung im Trainingscenter
  • Verpflegung
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Leistungen bei VCL Training
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  • Online Zugang
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin der CBT

Gabriela Bücherl


Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16

  • Inhalte
    • Day 1
      • Unit 1 - Performance analysis and tuning overview
      • Exercise 1 - Working with tunable files Unit 2 - Data collection
      • Exercise 2 - Data collection
      • Unit 3 - Monitoring, analyzing, and tuning CPU usage
      • Exercise 3 - Monitoring, analyzing, and tuning CPU usage (parts 1 and 2)
    • Day 2
      • Exercise 3 - Monitoring, analyzing, and tuning CPU usage (parts 3, 4 and 5)
      • Unit 4 - Virtual memory performance monitoring and tuning Exercise 4 - Virtual memory performance monitoring and tuning Student’s choice optional exercise from exercise 3 or exercise 4
    • Day 3 [2) Unit 5 - Physical and logical volume performance
      • Exercise 5 - Physical and logical volume performance
      • Unit 6 - File system performance monitoring and tuning (topic 1)
      • Exercise 6 - File system performance monitoring and tuning (parts 1, 2, and 3)
    • Day 4
      • Unit 6 - File system performance monitoring and tuning (topic 2)
      • Exercise 6 - File system performance monitoring and tuning (part 4) Unit 7 - Network performance
      • Exercise 7 - Network performance
      • Student's choice optional exercise from exercises 3, 4, or 6
    • Day 5
      • Unit 8 - NFS performance
      • Exercise 8 - NFS performance tuning
      • Unit 9 - Performance management methodology Exercise 9 - Summary exercise
      • Student's choice optional exercises from exercises 3, 4, 6, or 7

    Develop the skills to measure, analyze, and tune common performance issues on IBM Power Systems running AIX.

    Learn about performance management concepts and techniques and how to use the basic AIX tools to monitor, analyze, and tune an AIX system. The course covers how virtualization technologies such as the PowerVM environment and workload partitions affect AIX performance management. Monitoring and analyzing tools discussed in this course include vmstat, iostat, sar, tprof, svmon, netstat, lvmstat, and topas. Tuning tools include schedo, vmo, ioo, no, and nfso.

    The course also covers how to use Performance Problem Reporting (PerfPMR) to capture a variety of performance data for later analysis.

    Each lecture is reinforced with extensive hands-on lab exercises which provide practical experience.

    The materials include AIX 7.1 enhancements and the exercises are executed on a POWER8 lab environment.

    This advanced course is for:
    • AIX technical support personnel
    • Performance benchmarking personnel
    • AIX system administrators

    You are expected to have basic AIX system administration skills. These skills can be obtained by attending the following courses:
    - AIX Jumpstart for UNIX professionals (AN14G) or
    - Power Systems for AIX II: Implementation and Administration (AN12G)

    It is very helpful to have a strong background in TCP/IP networking to support the network performance portion of the course. These skills can be built or reinforced by attending:
    - TCP/IP for AIX Administrators (AN21G)

    It is also very helpful to have a strong background in PowerVM (particularly micro partitioning and the role of the Virtual I/O Server). These skills can be built or reinforced by attending:
    - Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I: Implementing Virtualization (AN30G)
  • Original IBM ebook, Englisch
  • Firmen- oder Inhouseschulungen finden ausschließlich mit Teilnehmern Ihrer Firma
    in unseren oder Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder als Online LIVE Schulung statt.

    Überblick zu den Vorteilen unserer individuellen Firmen- und Inhouseschulungen:

    • Individuelle Zusammenstellung der Themen, gemäß Ihren Anforderungen
    • Maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Ziele
    • Termin und Zeitraum der Firmenschulung bestimmen Sie
    • Schulungsort: Ob bei Ihnen vor Ort, in unseren Trainingsräumen oder als Online LIVE Training – Sie entscheiden
    • Firmenschulungen sind oft kostengünstiger, vor allem bei einer größeren Anzahl von Mitarbeitern
    • Rundum-Service in unseren Räumen, damit sich Ihre Mitarbeiter voll auf den Kurs konzentrieren können

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CBT Training & Consulting GmbH
Elektrastr. 6a, D-81925 München

+49 (0)89 4576918-40


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